Sunday, May 26, 2024

Masters of the Star Machine by Joe Crawford; Motivated Mastermind by Johnny Shaheed Miller; The Lebanese Cuisine Cookbook: An Authentic Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Culinary Journey with Delicious Modern and Traditional Easy-to-Make Homemade Recipes Directly from the Heart of Lebanon by Maysa M Rehmen; The Traeger Grill & Smoker Cookbook: 1000 Days Smoke and Delicious Recipes, Expert Tips, and Pro Techniques for Mastering the Art of Wood-Fired Cooking by Dr Clare; Hearty Harvest Soups: A Culinary Journey Through the Seasons Discover the Rich Flavors of Seasonal Produce with Timeless Soup Recipes for Every Month by James Stott Python Programming and SQL: 5 Books in 1-The #1 Coding Course from Beginning to Advanced by Mark Reed

 Masters of the Star Machine: Manipulated by That Incessant TV/Movie Viewer by Joe Crawford; Motivated Mastermind: Master the Art of  Powerful Thinking with Captivating Stories and Real Life Examples by Johnny Shaheed Miller; The Lebanese Cuisine Cookbook: An Authentic Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Culinary Journey with Delicious Modern and Traditional Easy-to-Make Homemade Recipes Directly from the Heart of Lebanon by Maysa M Rehman; The Traeger Grill & Smoker Cookbook: 1000 Days Smoke and Delicious Recipes, Expert Tips, and Pro Techniques for Mastering the Art of Wood-Fired Cooking by Dr Clare; Hearty Harvest Soups: A Culinary Journey Through the Seasons Discover the Rich Flavors of Seasonal Produce with Timeless Soup Recipes for Every Month by James Stott; Python Programming and SQL: 5 Books in 1-The #1 Coding Course from Beginning to Advanced by Mark Reed

By Julie Sara Porter 

Bookworm Reviews 

Masters of the Star Machine: Manipulated by That Incessant TV/Movie Viewer by Joe Crawford

This is a summary of the review. The entire review is found on LitPick. 

Masters of the Star Machine is an intriguing look at fame and how desperate some are to get away from or hold onto it long after their heyday is over.

Steve Wilkerson, Judy Bentley, and Doug Sanchez starred in the sitcom, The Three Little Amigos but eventually went their separate ways. Years later, they are hired to appear in a Western directed and produced by Judy’s ex-husband. The more they spend time together, the more they realize that old friendships and romances never really die. 

There are a lot of great inside references and shout outs to many films and shows. Even some real life Hollywood types play alongside the fictional shenanigans, giving a sense of reality to the Hollywood make believe. 

The three protagonists react differently to their old days and subsequent years and it reflects many of the choices that they made. 

Doug has a history of addiction in which he has been in and out of rehab and relationships that ended badly. He hopes that his return to the top will give him an incentive to remain clean and sober.

Judy gained a notorious reputation because of her struggles with bipolar disorder and some behind the scenes drama. She wants to get her career back and she doesn’t care whom she has to step on or use to do so. She constantly strings Steve along to help her expose her ex not for justice but to gain some fame and positive exposure.

Steve is more ambivalent about his child star days than his co-stars.  He isn't interested in becoming a star as he is in recapturing his friendship with Doug and especially his romance with Judy. He sees the people of his memories not the troubled mess that Doug is or the manipulative user that Judy has become. He won't accept that they have grown up and are different than the people that he once knew if they ever really were.

This is a book that reminds us that Hollywood and nostalgia can be very similar. They trick us into seeing an illusion, air brushes out the flaws, make us only remember the good times, and make us accept a fantasy over a reality.

Motivated Mastermind: Mastering the Art of Powerful Thinking with Captivating Stories and Real Life Examples by Johnny Shaheed Miller

Johnny Shaheed Miller’s book Motivated Mastermind is an inspirational book about making goals and facing challenges with determination, resilience, and motivation.

Miller talks about activating the “Warrior Mentality:” Understanding that “S#@% happens and to learn from it.” In other words, setbacks and disappointments teach us lessons like how to take advantage of opportunity, use time wisely, and learn about self-reflection and self-awareness. 

Discipline is key when taking on the “Warrior Mentality,” Miller writes. It gives one the tools to master self control, seeing past excuses, and acting with purpose instead of talking about goals but never accomplishing them. When many meander away from their pursuits, discipline is often the first thing to go. This book is designed to make that first and foremost in Reader’s minds since any goal takes time and discipline in using that time wisely. 

This book offers exercises and projects to help Readers maintain focus and concentration and doing so with strategy and precision. The most important exercise is probably the  “30-Day Focus Challenge.” It shortens what could be an insurmountable task of goal achievement into small increments. Day 1 is devoted to selecting a goal. Day 2 involves setting the master plan on how to achieve said goal. Days 3-29 is where the real work begins by monitoring and tracking the progress of which parts of the goal were met and which still need to be achieved. Day 30 ends with increasing one's confidence by reflecting on the progress and celebrating the accomplishments. Goal setting can be a difficult process but it is made easier by focusing on the individual steps to make the end result.

Motivated Mastermind offers plenty of chances for reflection on how those goals are met. Did we act with integrity? How did we develop our network? How did we face adversity? What did we learn? Where did we succeed and what needs work? Are there other goals to set and what remains to be done? This is a book that gives Readers the motivation to achieve, accomplish, and succeed.

The Lebanese Cuisine Cookbook: An Authentic Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Culinary Journey with Delicious Modern and Traditional Easy-to-Make Homemade Recipes Directly from the Heart of Lebanon by Maysa M Rehman

One way to understand a culture is to experience its food and Maysa M. Rehman’s The Lebanese Cuisine Cookbook takes Readers to a culinary trip through Lebanon to experience the best of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking.

The book offers tasty authentic recipes that capture the Lebanese dining experience. They include, “Baba Ganoush,” “Mujadara,” Shawarma B'ham,” “Mankoushe with Cheese”, “Asabe Zainab,” “Cocktail al Fakhara,” and “Ras Asfour.” The recipes include meals for soups, main course, drinks, appetizers, breads, snacks, and special occasions. 

Besides recipes, the book includes fascinating information about how food pertains to Lebanese culture. There are sections that discuss important ingredients that are used in many traditional dishes like specific aromatic herbs and spices like Bharat, cumin, coriander, and fenugreek. Important grains like bulgur wheat and legumes like chickpeas are also suggestions that capture the taste and smell of Lebanese cooking. The most essential ingredient is olive oil. It is so important that Rahman devoted a whole section to it alone. There are also sections on utensils and cooking methods to make the dining experience an inclusive one.

By far, the most interesting chapter is the one concerning the mezze, a small dish that heralds the beginning of the meal. It is so important to Lebanese culture that a whole chapter is devoted to mezze and its significance. It is described as an integral part of Lebanese culture, heritage, and hospitality. Families who serve mezze engage in conversations and combine traditional foods inspiring unity and closeness. It is good to learn where these traditions came from and why they are still important in modern life.

The Lebanese Cuisine Cookbook is a great book that opens a rich tradition and culture of food, family, and togetherness.

 The Traeger Grill & Smoker Cookbook: 1000 Days Smoke and Delicious Recipes, Expert Tips, and Pro Techniques for Mastering the Art of Wood-Fired Cooking by Dr Clare

Barbecuing and outdoor cooking is a frequent pastime during the spring and summer seasons. The Traeger Grill & Smoker Cookbook offers some great recipes to try on your grill or smoker as well as some advice on how to use wood fired cooking.

The recipes feature suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and appetizers. They include “Bacon and Egg Breakfast Tacos,” BBQ Chicken Flatbreads,” “Traeger Smoked Meatballs,” “Traeger Grilled Corn on the Cob,” and “Traeger Smoked Deviled Eggs.” The variety of meals promise to be healthy and delicious. 

The introduction to the book includes tips and techniques to master the art of wood fired cooking. Such tips like choosing the right wood such as hickory or mesquite to provide seasoning and flavor help elevate the outdoor cooking experience. Tips like understanding indirect heat where food is cooked away from direct flames help Readers understand how to master wood fired cooking properly.

The Traeger Grill & Smoker Cookbook is highly recommended for those who want to cook, eat, and enjoy a meal in the great outdoors. 

Hearty Harvest Soups: A Culinary Journey Through the Seasons Discover the Rich Flavors of Seasonal Produce with Timeless Soup Recipes for Every Month by James Stott

Soup is probably the ultimate comfort food. It is meant to provide warmth for a cold day, serves as the first course for a tasty meal, and invokes memories of childhood days. Of course, such a heartwarming inviting food staple has many ways to make it and James Stott’s Hearty Harvest Soups is a short but nice and colorful cookbook

There are plenty of different ways to make soup and this book shows that variety. Readers are treated to such tantalizing varieties as “Lentil Soup with Spinach and Lemon,” “Corn Chowder with Bacon,” “Chicken Tortilla Soup,” and “Classic Chicken Noodle Soup.”

There are international soups for those whose feet and taste buds want to travel to other countries. The soups come from such places as Morocco, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Vietnam, Russia, Thailand, India, Cuba, France, Hungary, and Korea. It is perfect for those who want to implement more diverse food into their regular eating habits.

The Hearty Harvest Soups Cookbook is filled with inviting bright colorful photographs that activate the senses of sight as well as taste. It promises an appetizing meal with plenty of heart, warmth, variety, and pleasant memories.

Python Programming and SQL: 5 Books in 1-The #1 Coding Course from Beginning to Advanced by Mark Reed

The Python Programming and SQL Series is an intensive look at programming languages and how coding is used to help us understand and use computers and other modern technologies. To understand something you have to learn the language and this book helps Readers to master these programs.

 It explains the various definitions used in coding and how they are used. Readers can learn for example what the SQL/JSON model is and how it can be implemented into a database. 

The books also take the Reader on a step-by process on how to write a computer code and put it together. The Python book for example introduces Readers to Integrated Development Environment. Then it teaches how to create a simple code with the words, “Hello there.” It’s a good interactive lesson for future coders and programmers. 

There is also plenty of advice on troubleshooting or as one of the chapters bluntly describes, “when things go haywire” and how to fix those situations during coding. It also includes sections on personalizing databases and making them unique such as inserting graphics and large objects.

This 5 in 1 book series is a great start for anyone who is curious to learn more about coding and programming languages and how to implement them into regular use. 

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