Monday, March 3, 2025

March-April Reading List


For a short month, I got a lot done. Not all of the books on the list, but they are here. I will continue in this manner as well as doing any other projects that come along.

The Slither Queen by Tamera Lawrence 

The Towpath by Jonathan Walter

Lunch Ladies by Jodi Thompson Carr

The Gift (Book 2 in The Others Trilogy) by Evette Davis*

Weight of a Woman by Judith Jackson Pomeroy 

Chomp, Press, Pull by Elaina Battista-Parsons

Mantis Equilibrium (Book 2 of The Mantis Gland) By Andrew Adams Johnson

Folded Steel (The Forge Trilogy in The Shadow Guardians Series Book 3) by G. Russell Gaynor 

Blunt Force Rising (An Angela Hardwicke Science Fiction Mystery Book 4) by Russ Colchamiro 

Reaping By Numbers: A Dead End Job by Nicole Givens Kurtz 

 All Silence Must Cease (The Peacebringer Series Book 2) by Raymond W Wilkinson

Ismene and The Voice by Juniper Calle 

Paper Castles by Ellie Ember 

The Corsico Conspiracy by Raphael Some

The Lindens by Barney Jeffries

The Mantis Corruption (Book 3 in The Mantis Gland Series) by Adam Andrews Johnson 

Justified Anger by Jennifer Colne

If you have a book that you would like me to review, beta read, edit, proofread, or write, please contact me at the following:








Reedsy Discovery




Prices are as follows (subjected to change depending on size and scope of the project):

Beta Read: $50.00-75.00

Review: $50-100.00**

Copy/Content Edit: $100-300.00

Proofread: $100-300.00

Research & Citation: $100-400.00


*These are books reviewed for LitPick and will only feature a summary and a few paragraphs. The full review is on LitPick's site.

**Exceptions are books provided by Henry Roi PR, Coffee and Thorn Book Group, LitPicks, BookTasters, Reedsy Discovery, Voracious Readers, and other noted book groups. Payments are already arranged through groups like Michael Cheng and Books Validator.

Payments can be made to my PayPal, Payoneer, or Google Wallet accounts at

Well that's it. Thanks and as always, Happy Reading.


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