Sunday, August 18, 2024

Debunked by Beth Perry, Discover Your Natural Gifts: Connect With Your Natural Genius, Discover Your Niche, and Transform Your Life Using Gifts From Your Ancestors by Barry D. McCollough, French Turquoise Echoes by Carola Schmidt

 Debunked by Beth Perry, Discover Your Natural Gifts: Connect With Your Natural Genius, Discover Your Niche, and Transform Your Life Using Gifts From Your Ancestors by Barry Douglass McCollough, French Turquoise Echoes by Carola Schmidt 

Debunked by Beth Perry 

This is a brief review. The longer version can be found at LitPick.

Debunked is an engaging Supernatural Thriller/Occult Mystery about possessing intuitive abilities and using them as well as releasing long buried guilt. It is a fascinating conflict between skeptics and intuitives that has a lot of parallels with real life.

Craig Herbert is the executive field producer of The Debunkers Challenge, a top rated reality program that exposes fraudulent psychics. The twist is the show will offer money if they can prove their abilities in front of the skeptics.

Craig visits Tennessee upon the advice of a colleague’s relative to visit Betty Ann Crawford, a clairvoyant with an uncanny success rate. The more Craig interviews the woman, the more bemused and mystified he is. Either she is an excellent con artist or she really is psychic.

The Debunkers Challenge is clearly based on the challenge created by James Randi.

Betty Ann is probably not based on one specific person but probably an amalgam of different famous psychics and mediums such as Dorothy Allison, Sylvia Browne, Tyler Henry, Allison Dubois, and Uri Geller. Readers will love the inside references and the themes of science vs. superstition, skepticism vs. belief, the physical world vs. the supernatural world. 

This is also a very tight efficient Occult Mystery which plays all of the right notes within the subgenre. Craig has a tragic past with his own brush with death and unsolved crimes. His encounters with Betty Ann build on those memories as he receives horrific visions and flashbacks connected with his past. 

The final chapters taking place during the filming of the episode in which Betty Ann is the spine tingling climax. Betty Ann makes some chilling revelations that are genuine plot twists that were properly built up but enough of a surprise once they were finally told. 

Debunked is a brilliant chilling Occult Mystery that challenges the Readers with what they believe in and what it would take to question those beliefs.

Discover Your Natural Gifts: Connect With Your Natural Genius, Discover Your Niche, and Transform Your Life Using Gifts From Our Ancestors by Barry Douglass McCollough

Barry D. McCullough’s Discover Your Natural Gifts is a brilliant inspirational book that encourages Readers to discover and build on natural talents in Leadership, Management, Math, Art, and Science.

Each chapter follows the same formula. It explains the origins of the gifts and how they evolved through time. They then cite examples of famous people who exhibited those traits as well as many of the others. They then discuss strengths, limitations, and keywords of those gifts and how the others balance them out.

Among the most interesting sections are the ones that describe specific people who exemplify those gifts and how they used them to help create a better world around them. Mohandas K. Gandhi was an example of a Natural Leader by creating a specific vision and inspiring large groups of people with his words and calls to action. He led many to embrace his ideals of nonviolence and civil disobedience and became a symbol of India’s fight for independence from Great Britain.

Another fascinating section is one which describes the gifts in great detail, particularly their keywords. A Natural Manager for example would be adept in observation, analysis, organization, planning, discipline, calculation, restraint, utilizing, making decisions, allocation, and assigning and delegating responsibility. They falter in gaining control, manipulation, judgment, accepting and rejecting certain people and views, being too commanding, and sometimes practicing discrimination. 
They show that every gift has positive and negative attributes and how important it is to balance them with the other gifts so the person doesn't become too rigid and short-sighted in their roles and views.

Discover Your Natural Gifts is an interesting way to explore and nurture one's abilities and maybe gain some new ones.

French Turquoise Echoes by Carola Schmidt 

Carola Schmidt’s short work “French Turquoise Echoes” could be seen as a modern day adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Like its predecessor, it explores the fine line between sanity and insanity. It also asks some really tough uncomfortable questions about the real reasons behind this psychotic break, the person experiencing it, and the world surrounding them before and during this episode.

Janet Danvers is a retired psychologist/youth volunteer.spends her days staring at her French turquoise wallpaper which is decorated with a floral pattern. Throughout her days, she interacts with a variety of characters who could be either products of an overactive imagination, repressed memories of people in her life, or visual and auditory hallucinations. As her conversations with them become more intense. Janet is forced to come to terms with various past traumas that may have manifested themselves into the forms of her companions.

“French Turquoise Echoes” is reminiscent of those classic Gothic short stories which take place in a small enclosure and where every object is filled with meaning and metaphor. The wallpaper for example could stand for Janet’s fractured mindset. Flowers normally symbolize life, youth, peace, and growth but in case they mean something different. The flowers on the wallpaper seem to be metaphors of death and hidden truths. Instead of reminding her of good pleasant times, they are covered in her blood as she strips away the paper. They force her to peer into her subconscious and come to terms with things that she mentally concealed.

Her companions are deceptively written to be engaging and a welcome presence.. Such characters as the curious Margaret, the calm Antonio, the sardonic Robert, the elegant Lilac comment on and become almost as multifaceted as Janet herself. Even some characters like Gwen, Janet’s daughter, and Otto, a young boy put in Janet’s care, have an air of mystery to them. It is purposely left ambiguous whether they are actually real or a part of this gang. 

At first, they appear to be a sort of protection from the real world, a means for Janet to express herself in a creative manner. They represent facets of her personality and allow her to examine those traits inwardly. They also could just be someone that she can talk to on a daily basis. However, as the story continues they become more forceful, manipulative, and possess violent and self-destructive impulses. On the one hand, they want Janet to learn the truth but they don’t mind hurting her to make her see it.

As I mentioned before, “French Turquoise Echoes” is a post-modern adaptation of “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Both are commentaries on the line between sanity and madness and how society treats the people involved. Gilman’s story was a criticism of the treatment of women in a patriarchal society. Women who had depression and other illnesses were prescribed rest cures, were deprived of outside stimulation, and reduced to an infantile state. 

“French Turquoise Echoes” is a meditation on loneliness and the plight of the elderly. Janet once felt useful, a large part of a thriving community. She had a successful career to look back on with pride,loyal friends, and a loving family. Now, she lives a solitary life detached from the world around her. She is forgotten by the society around her, so she retreats within herself inside her own head. Is it any wonder that she has such an active fantasy life when her reality is so disappointing? 
Unfortunately. Janet used her fantasy life as a deflection and a shield from her traumas. However, the more she tried to hide from them the more they appeared until she couldn’t hide any longer. Her fantasy and reality, once separate world are forced to become one.

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