Monday, February 5, 2024

Lit List Short Reviews The Ayurveda Cookbook for Women 2024: Regain Emotional Balance and Take Control of Your Life Through the Ayurvedic Culinary Remedies 100+ Recipes to Support Your Holistic Wellness by Sameera B. Joyce; Parenting ADHD With Empathy and Effectiveness: A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Success with Proven Strategies and Mindful Techniques to Improve Emotional Regulation, Focus, and Self-Control by Sierra Nice; Navigating Oppositional Defiant Disorder: A Compassionate Guide for Parenting ODD Children Empowering Strategies to Foster Cooperation, Communication, & Connection while Nurturing Your Child's Success by Sierra Nice

 Lit List Short Reviews The Ayurveda Cookbook for Women 2024: Regain Emotional Balance and Take Control of Your Life Through the Ayurvedic Culinary Remedies 100+ Recipes to Support Your Holistic Wellness by Sameera B. Joyce; Parenting ADHD With Empathy and Effectiveness: A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Success with Proven Strategies and Mindful Techniques to Improve Emotional Regulation, Focus, and Self-Control by Sierra Nice; Navigating Oppositional Defiant Disorder: A Compassionate Guide for Parenting ODD Children Empowering Strategies to Foster Cooperation, Communication, & Connection while Nurturing Your Child's Success by Sierra Nice 

Ayurveda Cookbook for Women 2024: Regain Emotional Balance and Take Control of Your Life Through the Ayurvedic Culinary Remedies 100+ Recipes to Support Your Holistic Wellness by Sameera B. Joyce

The Ayurveda Cookbook for Women 2024 is more than a cookbook. It's a lifestyle book about how Readers can use food to help provide balance to the physical, mental, and emotional difficulties in their lives.

The book is filled with interesting recipes but that is not all. The first three chapters discuss what the Ayurvedic lifestyle is, how it can be implemented in one's daily life, and specifically how the lifestyle is used for food preparation. Using these practices one can see that Ayurveda is more than a means of cooking, it involves a way of living.

The most interesting parts of the book focus on the doshas, energies in the body that could create imbalance for an extended period of time. The doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha help with different areas in the body like circulation, digestion, and immunity respectively. 

Sometimes people who have one doshas more prominent than others can develop complications like bone and joint problems, distance and spaciness for Vata, overheating, migraines, anger, and aggression for Pitta, and excessive weight gain and depression for Kapha. 

The book suggests that the best way to balance the doshas is by eating certain foods. Vata involves eating warm, moist, oily, and ground foods like warm soups and stews, avocados, eggs, butter, and sweet potatoes and avoiding raw salads and bitter foods. Pitta involves eating calming and cooling foods like coconut, cucumbers, zucchini, freshwater fish, rice dishes, lentils, grains, pasta, and breads and avoiding spicy foods, red wine, and vodka. Kapha involves eating grains like quinoa, millet, ghee, butter, olive oil and warm spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, black mustard seed, ginger, and cinnamon, and avoiding heavy, cold, and wet foods like avocado.

The book also encourages other means to implement an Ayurvedic lifestyle beyond cooking and eating. The means include practicing Yoga and Meditation, using concepts while taking Traditional Chinese and Western medicine, massage, and bodywork. These suggestions show that there are more ways to improve someone's life beyond food. 

Of course, the recipes are important as well. Delectable recipes include “Tasty Lemon Ginger Tea Scones,”  “Tofu and Tomato Indian Masala,” “Parmesan Topped Spaghetti,” “Creamy Avocado Sauce with a Citrus Zest,” “Lemon-Turmeric Quinoa Cookies,” and “Rose-Fennel-Clove Infused Water.” They provide the proper nutrition to balance the doshas and treat the complications.

The Ayurveda Cookbook is a great look at how one could commit to diet and fitness to reinvigorate and bring some much needed balance to their lives.

Parenting ADHD With Empathy and Effectiveness: A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Success with Proven Strategies and Mindful Techniques to Improve Emotional Regulation, Focus, and Self-Control by Sierra Nice

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a well publicized and known condition. Still many parents can feel confused and overwhelmed when their child is diagnosed. This book helps parents implement strategies and techniques that work with such children and keep the parent-child relationship strong through such difficult and stressful times.

What is refreshing about this book is how it does not demonize ADHD nor the children who have it. While it does lead to impulsive behavior and disorganized thinking, it also provides advantages like focus, activity, resilience, creativity, innovation, empathy, and communication. The book is not about treating or curing ADHD. It's about using the positive aspects that the condition brings while minimizing the negative so that they do not overpower the child's ability to function.

Many practices include medication, diet, exercise, therapy, creativity, and play offer holistic approaches to assist the child's physical, emotional, and mental well being. Parents are encouraged to practice such techniques like mindfulness, patience, active listening, and stress reduction to help clear their minds and understand their children and themselves.

Many mindful breathing techniques, emotional regulation games and exercises, recognizing emotional triggers, and coping skills help improve a child's emotional intelligence. One of the more interesting suggestions is that of an “emotional first aid kit” such as comfort food, a supportive network of friends and family members, favorite forms of entertainment like music, podcasts, movies, or a soothing memory or toy. This kit will help give children, and even adults who want to have something similar for their emotions as well, sources of security and warmth when they are under stress.

Understanding ADHD and finding ways to nurture the positive aspects and providing balance to counter the negative aspects will help children channel their condition into becoming young people with a different but enthusiastic and understanding mindset towards life.

Navigating Oppositional Defiant Disorder: A Compassionate Guide for Parenting ODD Children Empowering Strategies to Foster Cooperation, Communication, & Connection while Nurturing Your Child's Success by Sierra Nice 

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder in which those who have it exhibit characteristics like being uncooperative, defiant, or hostile. They often have recurring patterns of behavior like quickness to anger, irritability, and excessive arguments directed at parents and other authority figures. This book helps parents and children who have ODD find ways to understand the conditions and positively control those behaviors. 

Among the important parenting techniques that the book discusses is empathy. It helps parents and children relate to each other with a deep emotional and rational mindset. Along with empathy is recognizing and validating a child's emotions. When parents practice these traits, they can then help their ODD child practice them. They can set boundaries, note acceptable behavior and help children change unacceptable behavior. 

Communication strategies such as mirroring and paraphrasing a child's problem shows that parents are listening and understand their emotions and perspectives. Nonviolent communication is a key factor by observing without evaluation, recognizing feelings and needs, and requesting not demanding. Another strategy is to set boundaries for children such as creating simple and consistent rules, establishing routines, teaching responsibility, and encouraging them to understand different choices and the potential results. 

There are many techniques that specifically pertain to children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Creating positive reinforcements, desecrating strategies for meltdowns, anger management, and problem solving benefit children with ODD.

This book helps Readers understand what ODD is, how to recognize the symptoms, live with and accept it.

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