Wednesday, February 19, 2020

New Book Alert: Joshua N'Gon: Last Prince of Alkebulahn by Anthony Hewitt; Amazing Action Packed Novel About Kid Superhero

New Book Alert: Joshua N'Gon: Last Prince of Alkebulahn by Anthony Hewitt; Amazing Action Packed Novel About Kid Superhero

By Julie Sara Porter

Bookworm Reviews

Spoilers: If I were to create a shared universe of recent literary superheros ala The Marvel Cinematic Universe, I couldn't do better than include in that list, Joshua N'Gon, the protagonist of Anthony Hewitt's science fiction superhero YA novel, Joshua N'Gon: Last Prince of Alkebulahn.

Joshua appears to be a normal 15 year old kid who attends private school, hangs out with his friends, and is very smart but considered an underachiever by teachers. There are a few things that make him different. #1 is the metal bracelet around his wrist that he received on his 10th birthday. He tells people that the bracelet, which he and his friends dub the RCT (Really Cool Tool), is simply a family heirloom, but in reality it is more than that. The RCT is made up of technology the way other bracelets are made of metal. The RCT sends out information in high definition that provides useful knowledge in stressful situations. He doesn't know how to access the information. It just comes.

The other thing that makes Joshua different is that he is adopted. The mystery shrouding his birth family makes him an outsider to those around him. The kids that he encounters either really like him or really hate him (no in between). His older adopted brother bullies him and even though he is loved by his adopted parents, Joshua's father was arrested while trying to protect him.

Meanwhile, some dangerous people are after Joshua and he has to use all of the knowledge that the RCT can spare to protect himself, his friends, and his family.

Like many of the science fiction superhero books that I have reviewed for this blog, this book is clearly meant to be the start of a new series and like many others, Joshua N'Gon, is a great start. We have an interesting character from a unique world. In alternating chapters, we learn not only about Joshua but the world in which he is from. We learn about his birth place of the Kingdom of Alkebulahn (the ancient name of Africa so the intro tells us) in the nation of Rumundiland. We discover that this kingdom is the world's "best kept secret." We see that the Alkebulahnites are a very scientifically and technologically advanced society and we hear hints that they may have originated from another planet. We meet Joshua's royal birth parents and learn how they brokered alliances with representatives from other nations. We also learn how they execute justice on an opportunist who tried to assassinate the royal family.

Joshua stands out as an interesting lead character by Hewitt stressing his human qualities rather than superhuman. Through the majority of the book, he is kept from the larger picture of having to face supervillains or saving the world. Instead we are given chapters that focus on his daily life as sinister forces begin to circle around him. In a previous review for A Bounty With Strings, I mentioned how entertaining it was to read about people using their superpowers for mundane things like getting out of traffic jams or going grocery shopping. That concept is at play here.

While the prologue features an attempted kidnapping by some sinister characters, the actual first chapter brings us down to reality in a fight between Joshua and another schoolboy in which Joshua defends another smaller boy. This early chapter reveals Joshua's leadership qualities, which simultaneously puts him at odds with some students and admiration from others. We also see how Joshua's RCT provides the exact information for defense and how he is able to use that information to protect himself and his bullied friend.

Joshua also shows a strong technological aptitude. This is particularly shown when he and his friends participate in a Battle Bots-like competition. He is also able to take down a rival during an intense RPG game. Of course, he is able to implement those skills when facing his pursuers.

Above all, Joshua N'Gon Last Prince of Alkebulahn shows is how difficult life can be for a person who has unexplainable talents and an unknown past. He has a hard time connecting with others on a personal level. In one of the more heartfelt passages, Joshua tells his bullying older brother that he wants to be normal like him, not someone who is a complete mystery and the target of dangerous thugs.

Joshua N'Gon Last Prince of Alkebulahn is the start of a hopefully great series. It has plenty of action and a terrific lead character. This is one hero series that is worth holding out for.

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