Saturday, January 20, 2024

Lit List: Traeger Grill and Smoker Cookbook: Healthy, Delicious, and Affordable Grill & Smoker Recipes with Your Traeger Become a Grill Master by Dr. Barbauld Barker; Workbook Fast Like a Girl: An Essential Guide to Dr. Mindy Pelz’s Book by Genie Reads; Blackstone Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook For Beginners 2023 600+ Healthy & Affordable Grill Recipes with Expert Tips for Beginners and Advanced Users by Michelle Brown

 Lit List: Traeger Grill and Smoker Cookbook: Healthy, Delicious, and Affordable Grill & Smoker Recipes with Your Traeger Become a Grill Master by Dr Barbauld Barker; Workbook Fast Like a Girl: An Essential Guide to Dr. Mindy Pelz’s Book by Genie Reads

By Julie Sara Porter

Bookworm Reviews

Traeger Grill and Smoker Cookbook: Healthy, Delicious, and Affordable Grill & Smoker Recipes with Your Traeger Become a Grill Master by Dr Barbauld Barker

If you are the type who is counting the days until spring when you can take out the grill and cook a meaty masterpiece over an outdoor contained open fire, then this book is for you.

This book contains mouth watering recipes for those who love their beef, game, and pork. There are varieties of ways that such meats can be prepared from ribs, to tenderloins, to briskets, to legs. What is particularly fascinating about this book are the various burgers and sandwiches that are offered. It brightens the options that are usually recognized in a typical barbecue.

The book is neatly divided into basic chapters for appetizers and snacks, beef, pork, lamb and game, burgers, and desserts. It also identities the foods that are considered the healthiest and most beneficial.

The Traeger Grill and Smoker Cookbook is one that will make any outdoor picnic and barbecue a wonderful experience. It will make such an outing memorable.

Workbook Fast Like a Girl: An Essential Guide to Dr. Mindy Pelz’s Book by Genie Reads

This workbook serves as a companion to Dr. Mindy Pelz's Fast Like a Girl. It is an interactive experience that draws the Reader in to work with Pelz's text and create a fully planned diet.

The book refers to concepts like the benefits of fasting, such as metabolic switching alternating between burning glucose and ketones for fuel. It also emphasizes how fasting is particularly important for women's bodies. It helps with certain concerns such as maintaining balance between the hormones that rise and fall each month.

The book also suggests various ways to make the fasting process easier and more effective such as talking to doctors and medical professionals and doing an intermittent fasting process of a few hours instead of rushing into a 24-48 hour fast. It also offers suggestions on how to break the fast to be careful and safe in the period between fasting and eating. This process ensures that Readers don't fall into dangerous traps like developing eating disorders. These suggestions allow the individual to control the fasting process to be healthy rather than do something dangerous and jeopardize their health further.

Each chapter contains several exercises that allow Readers to implement various strategies. The activities include “Lessons,” a summary of important topics each chapter addresses, “Issues Surrounding the Subject Matter,” questions on each Reader's personal journey, “Goals” to strive for and achieve, “Action Steps,” specifically for each process, and a *Checklist “ of which goals were met and need to be improved.

The activities allow for deep thought and concentration before the activity begins, recording the specific steps while doing the activity, and reflection while monitoring the results.

This workbook is an interactive experience which encourages deep thought and physical activity during fasting.

Blackstone Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook For Beginners 2023 600+ Healthy & Affordable Grill Recipes with Expert Tips for Beginners and Advanced Users by Michelle Brown 

There are many who love an outdoor cookout that will love this book.

This book contains delicious recipes many of which will come as a surprise even to griddle enthusiasts..Who knew that you could cook Toasty Bread or Tortilla Pizza over an outdoor cooking device? 

The various burgers, poultry, turkey, pork, beef, lamb, fish, and seafood recipes make the basic outdoor meals more unique and individualized.

The book also offers tips and advice on how Readers can keep their griddle safe. It emphasizes giving the device proper care and maintenance so it will be in frequent use.

The Backdoor Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook is one that will make any outdoor gathering a unique and memorable experience.

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