Saturday, March 31, 2018

April Schedule

March was a productive but busy month. I reviewed a lot of great books on one of my favorite subjects: Women's History. I read some terrific mostly non-fiction books about some amazing and admirable women.

For April I decided to do something a little different. I had a bit of writer's block on thinking of a topic so I decided to skip the Lit List for this month and instead decided to do a Special April Fool's Weekly Reader for week one and add Forgotten Favorites for the following three weeks.
Despite the rainy weather (especially in Missouri), April is a time for funny books that point out society's foibles.
First we will get one of the most hilarious books ever written on how not to make a movie. But on the other hand it's a sweet story about how to make a life-long friendship.

The next week we continue our April Fool's side by reviewing three satires which are savagely funny and biting at the same time. They poke fun at the advertising industry and the workplace environment, the '80's Yuppie culture and media celebrity, and the publishing industry.
Afterwards, we get into more serious subjects. One week will feature reviews on books about three young girls who understand the importance of reading and writing. They also have to suffer the toll of having too much imagination, writing the truth about a very eccentric family, and being at the odds of a very religious family.

The final two weeks in April will get really dark with psychological thrillers, two of the most critically acclaimed recent books, a '70's sexual thriller based on a true story, and a Gothic novel by one of the'50's most interesting novel and short story writers. I will also review two Forgotten Favorites that explore people with physical oddities who would have been members of a side show in less enlightened times.

So that's my list this month. If you know of any other good works, to be reviewed for future months, please let me know here or on Facebook. As always Happy Reading.

April 1: Special April Fool's Day Weekly Reader: The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, The Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell

April 7: Weekly Reader: Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris
Classics Corner: Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
Forgotten Favorites: The Bestseller by Olivia Goldsmith

April 14: Weekly Reader: Atonement by Ian McEwen
Classics Corner: I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith
Forgotten Favorites: Memoirs of the Book Bat by Kathryn Lasky

April 21: Weekly Reader: Girl On a Train by Paula Hopkins
Classics Corner: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Forgotten Favorites: Little Little by M.E. Kerr

April 27: Weekly Reader: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Classics Corner: Looking For Mr. Goodbar by Judith Ressoner
Forgotten Favorites: Very Special People by Frederick Drimmer

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